Jayoon Choi

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Jayoon Choi
︎︎︎ About  ︎︎︎ Work ︎︎︎ Illustration ︎︎︎ ︎




The Future Perfect. Group exhibition, Ebenböckhaus/ Munich, Germany (Funded by Landeshauptstadt München)

- If we had already arrived in the future, where every unknown question of the future had been answered, how would creativity respond to it? -

This was the project brief to contemplate, and in response, I started magnifying the soil, stone, dust and particles gathered around my studio space. It opened up the concept of the life cycle by shifting away from a human-centric perspective, instead ‘seeing’ the universe that can be found by looking into the trivial around us.

In a handful of soil lies the sedimented remains of those who lived and passed before us, leaving behind their accumulated bodies. Though the future may not be tangible yet, we can envision its eventual arrival. By returning to the very ground beneath our feet, we can anticipate a warm reunion with our predecessors. My future is laid in the soil within my hands.

The “Future Perfect” project attempts to provide a glimpse into the future in multi-interdisciplinary exhibitions and events from literature: Sujin Seo, Cheon Seonran, art: Danilo Bastione, Nikolai Vogel and music: Taehun LeeArdhi Engl.

The exhibition runs between 17 May - 2 June 2024 in Ebenböckhaus.



War and Peace, and Now: the Beginning of Peace Beyond Borders. Group exhibition, Visual Information Design Association of Korea. Seoul, The Republic of Korea

‘Good night, sweet dreams’ one says this phrase for granted at the end of the day. Yet this very mundane is an unachievable one for those who are in threat of their very life in every moment. Until all of our dreams become a little sweeter- Sending solidarity to Gaza, Ukraine and for all who are in suffering.



Under The Surface. Group exhibition, Horanggasy ArtPolygon/ Gwangju, The Republic of Korea



Creative process Interviewed by Park Sool



A Guide to Eco-Anxiety. Book Cover Illustration Commision. Author. Anouchka Grose. Watkins Publishing Ltd



Collective Breathing. Drawing workshopSomerset House, London

Two-day drawing workshop at Somerset House as a part of a public-facing event in February 2020. In this workshop, Jayoon tested the idea of using the body and breathing as the perceptive organ instead of being sorely dependent on the eyes and hands.

Questioning what is it that we are seeing from the world and what is it that we intend to capture in the drawing process. In each 2 -3 hours set, Jayoon facilitated a loosely instructed drawing space for the public, where participants breath, move, gaze and draw collectively.

Documentation footage & photo credit goes to Carl Bigmore & Kevin Walker and Somerset house staffs.

#drawing #creativeprocess #collectivedrawing #drawingworkshop #intuitivedrawing #improvisation



The Theory of Concentric Spheres. Group Exhibition. SouthKiosk , London, The UK.



Illustrating Mental Health Symposium. The Art House, Worcester, The UK.

Jayoon presented her over a decade-long practice dedicated to depicting the unseen and intangible human qualities that she observes within herself as well as the people around her. She presented her initial motivation and how the practice developed based on automatic drawing.


'imago 1_incomplete' album cover for ninaian project

Produced by ninaian /Manufactured by ninaian project
Distributed by Brownie Entertainment, Inc.

Purchase it here!



Momentary Tremolo: Sketch_01. projection mapping installation
, Parker Gallery. London, The UK

Exhibition documenation video / 2015 / 00:40 / Parger Gallery, London

Background Sound captured from ‘play_algorithm.’ by Alice Emily Baird&Chatori Shimizu.


I Don’t Really Care Who You Are As Long As You Are There For Me.


Collaboration with ninaian project

Jayoon Choi & ninaian project (Hyun Min Park) formed in 2013 after they met via twitter and instantly took notice to each others' work. Hyun Min is a musician who explores layers of intensive emotional conflicts in sound, whereas Jayoon uses drawing and moving image as her tool to depict unnoticed elements in everyday life.

‘Conversation Between Sound & Drawing’ is their second collaborative project, yet their first attempt on an improvised performance between the two medium.

It then turned into a wordless conversation through sound and drawing, which simultaneously inspires and stimulates each other’s output. As if they are taking steps into obscure creative zones of their own.


‘Keep Going’

Sound by ninaian




New Drawings. Solo Exhibition. Jealous Gallery, London, The UK.



Sketch Show. Group Exhibition, Jelous Gallery, London, The UK

(c) all rights researved 2023 Jayoon Choi